Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Merry Christmas....
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Dancing Claire
I put Backyardigans on to keep Claire's attention so I could get stuff done. As soon as the music started she started dancing! She was almost done by the time I could get the camera, but I caught a little bit!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I'm not ready for this yet!!!
One day I was looking in the mirror at all the new little hairs that are growing in and sure enough, there it was. I'm going to have to dye my hair more often in case there are more....then I won't see them!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Claire at 9 months
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Saturday night on the town....
Here are the kids in front of Energy Solutions Arena
(Delta Center still sounds better if you ask me.)
Since we were going to be in Salt Lake City, we decided we'd go see the lights at Temple Square! It was SUPER packed. There were people everywhere, it was kind of hard to get around, but we still had fun (after the kids stopped whining about being thirsty....seriously you would have thought they hadn't had a drink in months!)
The nativity scene in the reflecting pool in front of the temple. It was so pretty! All of us in front of a huge Christmas tree made of lights
The Christmas Tree
Monday, December 1, 2008
Trip to Cali (yes, another one!)
The only picture I have from THANKSGIVING is this nasty one...