Thursday, February 12, 2009


Caleb is so funny. He got MarioKart for his birthday and absolutely LOVES it. I was taking pictures of Claire, trying to get her new teeth, and he said "Take a picture of the screen, Mario and LUWEENIE are on it." Every time he talks about Luigi, like asking me who I want to be, or saying that Luigi got ahead of him while he's playing, he calls him Luweenie! I love it!
Claire's new teeth. She got 4 on the top the week before last I think and she's starting to get a couple more on the bottom sides!

They look funny right now. I can't wait to see what she'll look like when they're grown in all the way!! She'll look like such a big kid!

Here's a cute one, since I posted all those nasty teeth pictures....


Allyson said...

Ya, those first pics of her teeth aren't very cute. :) But the last one is! I can't believe she's getting them so fast.

And I love the Luweenie thing. :) Caleb is funny!

Anne-Marie said...

Awww... Cute & a little creepy teeth pics. Babies really are so cute with teeth. I just don't fancy the old bite.

Monica Mary said...

Poor Claire. You're totally torturing the cute little thing! :) So fun.

Oh and I like Jillian the best... for him at least.

And I was thinking I should bring the boys and come down for the day sometime soon before the baby comes so we can play. What do you think? How about next Friday? Dallas is out of school...

Laura Keith said...

My Jillian is getting her top 2 teeth that are next to the middle teeth, but no middle teeth next. I'll have to take a picture and post it... it's almost creepy! Claire is so cute!