Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jeff's Photo Session with the Kids

Jeff decided to take some pictures of the kids. Of course Caleb has his Jazz jersey on. Chloe has her soccer uniform on. It's a little big but she looks so cute in it! She starts soccer in April and is SO excited about it!!


Allyson said...

Aww, Caleb looks so sad in the last picture. Maybe if you put a Kings jersey on him he would smile for a picture!

Cute soccer uniform Chloe!!

April said...

He would have a jazz jersey now wouldn't he... jeff has brainwashed your little man. :)

Stefany said...

I know...I'm just not a big enough Kings fan to compete, especially living here where I have no extra support and never turn on a Kings game myself. My kids are destined to be Jazz fans. I guess it's good, they'll have some good bonding time watching games and rooting with their dad!