Monday, January 7, 2008

More snow!

Friday was so nice....high of 50! Then there was some crazy wind all night. Our Christmas tree was laying on the ground outside our back door and when we got up in the morning, it had blown across the whole yard, probably at least 20 feet. Then it rained Saturday morning and almost all the snow was melted. It was great, we played Disney Scene It with the kids and by the time we were done with the game, we looked outside again and it was snowing like crazy. I shoveled the driveway at 2:00 and the snow was about 6 or 7 inches took forever!! (Don't get upset, I know I'm over 7 months pregnant. I told Jeff I wanted to because I couldn't go to the gym because the weather was so bad. I counted it as my exercise for the day!) Here's some shots from the day!

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